Best Ways to Reduce Energy Consumption in Your Refrigerator
Energy efficiency is no more a slogan in the present world; it has become a Priorities needed for energy efficiency are: Today people are realizing the trend of the increasing price of utility and the issue to environment, that is why people need to be very careful when selecting home Appliances.
Among all the household appliances that utilize high energy, refrigerators rank among the highest percentage and thus have to be purchased with a lot of caution with an aim of reducing on the energy bills and carbon footprints. Among all the items in the house you daily utilize, only a refrigerator operates continuously for twenty-four hours; this stresses on why getting a proper one is necessary.
The most obvious way to reduce powering a refrigerator is by replacing it with a more energy-efficient model especially if the current one has been in use for more than15 years. Most of the current fridges that are being produced have the efficiency features that make them to consume less energy; this means that great deal of power bills is likely to be saved and as a result have minimal effects to the environment.
At fist instance one may argue that buying a new fridge is a costly affair but in the long run the efficiency with which it uses the energy will compensate for this. What does the actuality of not having several hundred dollars extra for a fresh fridge mean? Otherwise, of course, what if one just can not part, with the old appliance? That is not a problem – there are many methods for the proper functioning of the refrigerator and improving its energy performance indicator without overpaying.
Let Your Refrigerator Breathe and Find It a Cooler Home :
Though energy consumption can be influenced by the age of existence of the refrigerator or its specific efficiency rating, even the location of the refrigerator is influential. A refrigerator when sited close to a heat source, be it an oven, a radiator or a source of direct sunlight will need to work extra in order to ensure that the products are still cool. This extra effort leads to utilizing more energy which would be costly. When placing your refrigerator also ensure that it is installed far from other heat producing appliances. Also do not put it where there is direct sunlight since this will also increase the temperature inside the unit thus increasing the load.
Another aspect that need to be put into consideration is that there should be adequate space around the refrigerator to allow circulating air. At least five centimeters of space referred to as moisture space above, behind and beside the refrigerator should be left for the heat of the compressor to dissolve. If there is no enough room for heat to get out, the refrigerator has to struggle in order to adjust the temperature which in its turn leads to energy consumption.
Clean the Coils Regularly :
Condenser coils in any refrigerator or cooler are for that purpose of dissipating heat removal from the unit. When the vents get filled in with dust, dirt, or even pet hair, the refrigerator is forced to regulate temperatures inside the box. Not only does that add cost due to the use of electricity but you may end up using your appliance for a shorter duration than necessary. Thus, one of the regular maintenance tasks can provide a major change in the refrigerator’s performance: cleaning the coils.
To clean the coils, turn off the refrigerator and then to find the coils, which are often located at the back or below the fridge behind a grill. Vacuum the coils using a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment or use a coil cleaning brush to do the job. Specifically, due to the fact that they help the refrigerator function effectively, it could be advised to clean the coils at the least two times in a year.
Keep the Door Closed
Another cause of energy wastage is non-adherence to the standard practice of refrigerator usage in that one keeps the door opened for too long. If the door is open, warm air gets in and since the fridge has to go through the process of cooling the air, it takes longer. Not only is more energy used, but the load also increases on the compressor and can virtually cause it to burn up.
To ensure that there is least energy loss, ensure that you open the door only when you need something from it and when inside ensure that you close the door soon as you have done this. For instance, if you realize that you spend a lot of time raking through the contents of the refrigerator, it may be necessary to rearrange the things inside so that one does not have to look for stuff for so long.
Bit by bit fridge and freezer organization and storage.
An organized refrigerator as one might think again not only helps in easy storage and easy access of the stored food items; it may even be beneficial in energy conservation. clustering of items within the refrigerator makes the air flow between the items to be restricted which is not good for the refrigerator’s performance in terms of its temperature. On the other hand, an open then empty refrigerator also has to work hard in order to maintain coolness since there are few thermal masses to retain the coldness.
The aim is to be as moderate as possible and to maintain your refrigerator being only thirty – seventy percent full, if possible. You might keep small parts for a particular toy in a bin or organizer in which other pieces for that toy can also be stored whenever you are looking for them the door does not need to be opened for long. Frozen foods should also be put in categories with the help of secondary contours so that the items do not occupy a lot of space in the freezer and it is possible to use the space most effectively.
Check the Door Seals
The rubber strips of the refrigerator and freezer doors, the gaskets, are solely responsible for the restriction of warm air and maintenance of cold air. Often, the seals wear or are damaged, and this means that the air will escape increasing the workload of the refrigerator than it ought to be. This leads to more consumption of energy and the bills that come with it.
To check the door seals, try the dollar bill test: insert any ‘existing’ object such as a dollar bill in the refrigerator and then try to take it out after closing the door. If the bill drops and there is no fight or argument over it then it is high time to change the seal of the machine. The other way is to shut the kitchen lights and instead put a lighting on inside the refrigerator compartment. If light is seen seeping through the cracks at the bottom, sides and top of the door, it is high time to change the seals.
Do Not Leave Hot Foods in the Refrigerator
It is most unfortunate that when hot foods are placed in the refrigerator directly it alters its temperature and the fridge begins to cool. This is not only inefficiency but also can result in uneven cooling and food staking which is very undesirable. To avoid this hot food should be allowed to cool down to the room temperature before being exposed to the cold atmosphere in the refrigerator. This simple step can go along way in easing the load on your refrigerator and in the process increasing its efficiency.
Shift the Refrigerator Around
If possible, rearrange your kitchen to enable proper positioning of your refrigerator as far as energy efficiency is concerned. Do not place it near ovens, stovetops or dishwashers as it will put pressure on the appliance to work more. Also, do not expose it to the sun as this will increase the internal temperature of the said device. In case you are exercising a kitchen remodel project you need to ensure that the refrigerator for instance is placed in the cooler part of the kitchen for optimal energy efficiency.
Use Power-Saving Settings
Most of the contemporary fridges have energy conservation functions like power-saving mode, or a holiday mode. These modes are intended to avoid wastage of energy during the periods when the refrigerator is not used as often, say, during a holiday or when the fridge is not filled to the brim. However if your refrigerator has any of these features ensure that you avail yourself of them in a bid to conserve energy. Even if your refrigerator doesn’t have specific power-saving settings, you can still save energy by adjusting the temperature settings to the recommended levels: For the refrigerator it is between 37-40°F (3-4°C) and for the freezer, it should be 0°F (-18°C).
Final Words
These are general guidelines in making your refrigerator run smoothly and colder than before, and at the same time cutting on costs and ensuring your refrigerator has a longer life span. Whether you decide to change for a newer more efficient unit or just change the way your refrigerator is being used, every little step you take goes a long way in energy consumption and the environmental challenge. So before you go, spend a few minutes picking at the fridge coils, the door gaskets, and try rearranging the contents of the refrigerator—you’ll thank yourself for it when the next electric bill shows up, and so will the environment.