6 Potential Medical Advantages Of Reflexology
Now let us start with a brief introduction. Do you have any idea concerning reflexology? It’s an ancient practice https:://healtytoday that is still in operation today at www.sandwcom/ that has been in existence since the earliest civilizations of Egypt and China. Reflexology is an ancient practice whereby one uses different press points on the soles of the feet, palms of the hands, and the outer ears as a means of unblocking different parts of the body. Intrigued? You should be! This practice focuses on the well-being and general health enhancement without resorting to invasive procedures.
How Reflexology Works
Reflexology is a system of massage based on the idea that there are really precise places on the feet, hands, ears, and other parts of the body that correspond with the glands, organs, and tissues of the body. Many practitioners of this practice claim that through applying pressure on these points they are able to restore the natural flow of energy, reduce stress, and enhance general wellness. For instance, when people think of their bodies, they should picture a map with different reflex points as destinations. So, really, by stimulating these points, you are, as it were, jolting your own body into starting to fix itself.
Possible Health Benefits of Reflexology
Now, let me get to the main point of the issue. What can this therapy bring to you? Now, the following are six possible health benefits that might just convince you.
1. Stress Reduction and Relaxation
Stress. Of course, all individuals experience stress, but isn’t it useful to search for the comfortable and chemicals method to relax? Perhaps reflexology can be of help here. Thus, this therapy works on certain reflex points to help persons relax with lowered levels of stress. One could thus consider it as a sort of getaway package for the body and the mind. Research has revealed that reflexology may reduce the level of anxiety and enhance the mood hence making it very effective in managing stress.
2. Pain Management
Suffering from a headache that seems to last for a week or joint pain that is almost becoming a way of life? Perhaps reflexology might help, maybe it would. It has been proven to alleviate wide ranges of pain such as head aches, back aches, and many others. The thinking is that reflexology can wedge the body’s pain signals and trigger the release of natural calming hormones known as endorphins. It has been found that some of the patients get quick relief in their pain levels in case they’ve sought the services of chiropractors.
3. Improved Circulation
Proper blood circulation plays an important role in the general well-being of a person primarily due to the oxygen and nutrient distribution throughout the body. Stimulating the reflex points on the feet, and hands that lie in the circulatory system will improve blood circulation in the body. Better blood flow is regarded as enhancing oxygen delivery to the tissues and facilitating enhanced elimination of metabolic wastes hence enhancing the body’s feel alive level.
4. Boosted Immune System
Feeling a little run down and do not want to catch a cold or the flu? There is some evidence that reflexology could assist in strengthening your immune system. Hence, reflexology can assist in stimulating the flow of blood and decreasing tension, while strengthening the body’s protection systems at the same time. Other research has also indicated that, through frequent reflexology, one’s immune system strengthens and, thus, he or she fends off diseases for the entire year.
5. Enhanced Nerve Function
They act to relieve tensions in the body and more importantly, they help transmit signals in the body. There is a heightened possibility of bettering neurological well-being due to reflexology’s ability to activate nerves. This is quite advantageous in cases of neuropathy, which affects the nerves in the human body. Correcting these points through reflexology also assists in revoking pathways of the nerves and addresses the existing poor connection between the brain and the whole body.
6. Better Sleep Quality
Struggling with sleep? Thus, under the principles of reflexology, it is possible to regain the ability to sleep through the night. As a result of encouraging relaxation and eliminating stress, reflexology can establish the required environment for a pleasant night’s rest. Based on clinical trials, reflexology enhances sleep quality and its effectiveness; thus, it can be considered an effective cure for insomniacs and patients with other sleeping disorders.
Who Can Benefit from Reflexology?
Thus, reflexology is not only for patients with one or another disease. It can be of help to virtually anyone who is interested in regaining their health and getting back into shape. Whether you have persistent pain, you are stressed up, or just aiming at getting the best of your quality health, reflexology is definitely worth trying out. It is suitable for anyone, individuals young and old, including children and the elderly; thus it can be applied to all members of a given family.
Common Misconceptions about Reflexology
Thus, like any other unconventional treatment, reflexology cannot be free from criticism. Let’s get some myths out of the way. First of all, reflexology is not simply a foot massage with all the trimmings. It is one of the treatment modalities that is founded on the reflex points identified in a client’s feet. Second, reflexology is a useful technique that applies in many cases but alone is not going to solve all the problems that people face. It should be used as an adjunct to conventional medical interventions in the treatment. Last but not least, one must understand that reflexology is not dangerous if done with the help of a professional, so any negative effects are out of the question.
Where to Look for a Good Reflexologist
Therefore, you are keen to test reflexology. One of the most common questions that patients have in a search for treatment or cure is how they can be able to locate a qualified practitioner. There is the American Reflexology Certification Board (ARCB) or look for other reputable certification authority in your country. It is advisable to ask questions about their training and experience in order to gain a clue about the kind of person they are. Also, do not underestimate the word-of-mouth recommendation; therefore, one should ask friends and relatives if they know of a good reflexologist.
Self-Help Reflexology Techniques
Thinking you can’t get to a reflexologist? No problem! Before going that way, there are possible home remedies that you may undertake. Begin with the simple Acupressure points on the hands and feet. These points you will try to touch with your fingertips in a gentle pressing manner with a view to helping you relax and get rid of minor aches. However, many people get caught up with tutorials and short videos on the appropriate ways to go about it. But just make sure you are not too rough and follow what your body is telling you(care).
Reflexology is a world providing an array of therapeutic benefits including relieving stress, enhancing blood circulation, and improving sleep. It is not a get well soon button but if embraced, it can be a handy asset when it comes to health. Reflexology and home therapies are two areas that are beneficial for your health, so seeing a specialist for reflexology or researching home self-administration is worthwhile.